Commins Hendricks SolicitorsCommins Hendricks Solicitors
1800 643 779

Fair Compensation for Historical Institutional Child Abuse

Are you a victim of institutional child abuse?  Did you sign a Deed of Settlement without legal advice?  A draft Bill is expected to be considered by the NSW Parliament shortly which may allow you to pursue fair compensation despite having entered into a civil settlement.

The links below set out some expected changes to Historical Institutional child sexual abuse claims.   The Bill proposes to allow those victims who have settled their cases before the 2018 changes to the Limitation Period restrictions, who were effectively forced by the institution that allowed the abuse to accept “pocket money” damages payments, to have any unfair settlement agreements set aside to allow for proper compensation to be claimed.

This proposed change includes claims for Historical sexual, serious physical and other connected child abuse.

Contact Heather Ross of Commins Hendriks’ Canberra office to discuss making a civil claim for proper compensation.
